
Welcome to our family business, providing reliable service at great prices.

The Alpha Xperience was established in 1995 by Alan. Having served an apprenticeship as a compositor, training for 5 years at the London College of Printing in hand and machine composition, he pursued an interest in graphic design, learning film typesetting, then digital typesetting and artwork, whilst progressing to overall production manager at a busy litho print company. 

Alpha originally provided a filmwork bureau service for other printers, with printing as a smaller part of the work. All this changed when the development of computer-to-plate technology reduced the demand for filmwork and the business concentrated on providing print and the exciting opportunities of using digital printing.

Alan’s daughter Nikkie joined him in 2008 and has been trained up by him on all the graphics software used on a daily basis. Together they have identified and purchased new equipment to streamline and enhance the production of their work and know how to use all machinery and software to get the maximum efficiency.

Using their combined knowledge, experience and helpful personalities, they have built up a great rapport with their extensive and loyal customer base.

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